
・Editorial Committee
We publish an on-line academic journal three times a year, with the aim of achieving the Academy’s purpose of “promoting the development of nursing education and contributing to improving the quality of professional activities by nursing professionals.” The editorial committee members are working hard to publish new research results in the Academy’s journal as soon as possible and to disseminate information not only to our members but also to society. We also review the authors’ guidelines as necessary to ensure that submissions from members can proceed smoothly.

・Research Promotion/Research Grant Committee
This Committee has two main projects. The first is the “Promotion of Members’ Research Activities” project. This project examines what efforts are necessary to create high-quality papers and applications that will be accepted by academic journals and research grants. Since 2011, as a special project of the Board of Directors, we have set opportunities to interact and exchange information with members at academic meetings. The second is the “Research Grants for the Development of Researchers” project. Application information for research grants is posted on the Academy website and in the Academy journal (Issue No. 2 published in November 2023). Please keep in mind the application period is early December to late January, so you should have your 2025 application finalized by then. We expect many applications from you.

・Educational Activities Committee
This Committee plans and operates “Projects Related to Improving the Quality of Nursing Education.” We hold training seminars mainly for the members to improve their teaching abilities, as well as planning “Nursing Hanamaru Teacher Mock Classes,” in which excellent educational activities are presented as mock lessons at Academic conferences.

・Nursing Education System Committee
This Committee is working towards creating a database related to the nursing education system. In addition, through analysis and utilization of the results of the report “Actual Status of the Educational Environment of Nursing Education and Recommendations to Contribute to Quality Improvement,” which was conducted as a research project by the Academy, we will constantly examine the future state of nursing education.

・Public Relations/External Relations/Social Contribution Committee
(including Nursing Science Café)
This Committee carries out two main activities: managing the homepage and coordinating with various related organizations. In addition, the Japan Academy of Nursing Education aims to serve as a base for carrying out social contribution projects in a wide range of fields, with the aim of making the activities of this Academy more appealing to other academic fields and society in general.

・Disaster Support Countermeasures Committee
Immediately after the Great East Japan Earthquake in March 2011, we began activities as the Disaster Relief Project Committee, and in 2013 the name was changed to the Disaster Relief Countermeasures Committee. Its mission is to carry out activities related to disaster support measures for nursing educational institutions and members. We are currently conducting a “Disaster Support Project” targeting nursing educational institutions in areas affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake (Iwate, Miyagi, and Fukushima prefectures). We are also preparing to conduct a needs survey with the aim of considering disaster relief measures that are in line with the Academy objectives.

・Ethics Committee
This Committee aims to contribute to the ethical practice of education and research by members through activities related to ethics in nursing education and ethics in nursing research.
The main areas overseen by the Ethics Committee are: (1) matters related to ethics in nursing education, (2) matters related to ethics in nursing education research, (3) matters related to ethical review of nursing research by Academic members, and (4) other matters related to ethics in nursing education and research entrusted by the Chairperson of the Board of Directors.

・Academy Activities Committee
This Committee disseminates information on nursing education and carries out organization reforms to revitalize Academy activities. At the same time as presenting new guidelines for nursing education to nursing educators, we are also working on activities such as restructuring Committee organizations and formulating organizational regulations to implement these guidelines.

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